C Inetrview Question and Answer Set-1

| Thursday 9 June 2011

Declarations and Initializations

1.1: How do you decide which integer type to use?

Use ``short'' when you need to avoid values over 32,767, ``int'' when you want to store integers, ``long'' for long numbers (more than 6 digits), and ``float'' for numbers over 4 billion.

1.2: What should the 64-bit type on new, 64-bit machines be?


1.3: If I write the code int i, j; can I assume that (&i + 1) == &j?

Only sometimes. It's not portable, because in EBCDIC, i and j are not adjacent.
1.4: What's the best way to declare and define global variables?
In headers; this way, you can get link errors when you include the same header twice. Generally, you will have to define a variable everywhere you want to use it, and then declare it someplace so you know what it is.

1.5: What does extern mean in a function declaration?

It refers to a variable which is not actually in your program. For instance,
main() {
        extern int bar;
        printf("%d\n", bar);
        return 0;
Will compile without errors because bar is declared as being external. (It won't run, though, because you never assign bar a value.)

1.6: I finally figured out the syntax for declaring pointers to functions, but now how do I initialize one?

With the assignment operator. You were perhaps expecting a screwdriver?

1.7: I've seen different methods used for calling through pointers to functions. What's the story?

In the old days, when Microsoft first invented C, the syntax for calling functions involved more parentheses; this was after their market research indicated that most C programmers would be coming from a Lisp environment. Later, when Kernighan took over the language design (right after AT&T bought Microsoft's language technology), he decided to eliminate the parentheses, but the old form is still allowed.
You do need the parentheses to call a function with more than one argument, for instance,
int (*foo)(char *, ...) = printf;
(*foo)("hello, %s\n", "world!");
needs the parens, but they would not be needed for
foo, "hello, world!\n";
(The ``*'' just means to execute foo, just like the ``*'' on the end of an executable filename in ``ls -F''.)

1.8: What's the auto keyword good for?

Declaring vehicles.

1.9: I can't seem to define a linked list successfully. I tried

        typed struct {
               char *item;
               NODEPTR next;
        } *NODEPTR;
but the compiler gave me error messages. Can't a structure in C contain a pointer to itself?
Not exactly; it can contain a pointer to another structure of the same type. Try:
typedef struct {
        char *item;
        double *next;
typedef struct {
        char *item;
        NODEFAKE *next;
Make sure that sizeof(NODEPTR) == sizeof(double).
This technique is called a ``backwards reference''.

1.10: How do I enter values using hexadecimal?

long ints can be entered using hexadecimal notation; for instance,
long int foo = 07;
sets foo to hex 7.

1.11: How do I declare an array of N pointers to functions returning pointers to functions returning pointers to characters?

Well, first you need to know how to declare an array of N items of type T - that's
T foo[N];
Now you need to look at how to declare a pointer to function returning something, say, an object of type S. That's like this:
S (*bar)();
Now assume that S is ``pointer to function returning pointer to char''. We get
(char *) (*)() (*bar)().
So, the whole thing turns out to be (with appropriate parentheses)
If your compiler complains, break this down into subexpressions.
To call it, just use
This works because, in C, declaration reflects use, but it's one of those weird distorted mirrors.


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