Oracle interview questions /Answer

| Saturday 18 June 2011
Explain the difference between trigger and stored procedure.

Trigger in act which is performed automatically before or after a event occur
Stored procedure is a set of functionality which is executed when it is explicitly invoked.

Explain Row level and statement level trigger.

Row-level: - They get fired once for each row in a table affected by the statements.
Statement: - They get fired once for each triggering statement.

Advantage of a stored procedure over a database trigger

Firing of a stored procedure can be controlled whereas on the other hand trigger will get fired whenever any modification takes place on the table.

What are cascading triggers?

A Trigger that contains statements which cause invoking of other Triggers are known as cascading triggers. Here’s the order of execution of statements in case of cascading triggers:
·         Execute all BEFORE statement triggers that apply to the current statement.
·         Loop for each row affected statement.
·         Execute all BEFORE row triggers that apply to the current statement in the loop.
·         Lock and change row, perform integrity constraints check; release lock.
·         Execute all AFTER row triggers that apply to the current statement.
·         Execute all AFTER statement triggers that apply to the current statement.

What is a JOIN? Explain types of JOIN in oracle.

A JOIN is used to match/equate different fields from 2 or more tables using primary/foreign keys. Output is based on type of Join and what is to be queries i.e. common data between 2 tables, unique data, total data, or mutually exclusive data.
Types of JOINS:
Simple JOIN
SELECT p.last_name, t.deptName
FROM person p, dept t
Find name and department name of students who have been allotted a department
Inner/Equi/Natural JOIN

SELECT * from Emp INNER JOIN Dept WHERE Emp.empid=Dept.empid
Extracts data that meets the JOIN conditions only. A JOIN is by default INNER unless OUTER keyword is specified for an OUTER JOIN.
Outer Join

SELECT distinct * from Emp LEFT OUTER JOIN Dept Where Emp.empid=Dept.empid
It includes non matching rows also unlike Inner Join.

SELECT, from emp a, emp b WHERE
Joining a Table to itself.


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